Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Most Common Exercises Mistakes

info ambil kat sini : layan je la yea..

Did you know the average health club exerciser quits after just six months for one of the following reasons:
  1. Not Enough Time
  2. Not Seeing Results
Sadly, most people become frustrated and quit exercising before they see any real results. But it's not surprising given the common mistakes many people make with their training programs. Are you making these workout mistakes?

Common Reasons Your Workouts Don't Work

  • All Quantity, No Quality
    Take a look around the gym (if you haven't quit going yet) and see how many people are really getting a quality workout. I'm always amazed by how many people are wandering aimlessly, walking leisurely on a treadmill while reading a book, lifting weights so light that not one hair moves out of place, or simply look bored. A lot of exercisers head to the gym out of habit, and as if on automatic pilot, put in some time and head back to work or home. If you are one of these people, ask yourself, "What do I want to get out of this?" If you want serious results, you need to do serious exercise. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and have fun. But it does means you need to focus on what you are doing and increase the quality of every movement. Once you start exercising with a real purpose and pushing both your aerobic capacity and your strength you will find your workouts take half the time and give better results.

  • Overestimating Your Exercise
    Most exercisers are far too generous with estimates of exercise intensity and time, weight lifted and the frequency of their workouts. To avoid overestimating it's helpful to keep an exercise log and track these items. Additionally, many people mistakingly believe that if they exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes they have burned lots and lots of calories and fat. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. While exercise does burn calories over time and consistent exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off, it's hard to lose body fat through exercise alone. Which brings us to the next mistake. . .

  • Underestimating Your Eating
    Many people are in denial about the foods they eat and especially the quantity consumed. If you really want to lose weight you need to be honest with yourself about what you put into your mouth and how that helps or hinders your weight loss goals. To get real with yourself, write it down. Tracking what you eat in a food diary will help you break the cycle of food denial. (Besides, you are the only one who needs to know).

  • Doing the Wrong Type of Workout
    Where did you learn your current exercise routine? Watching others at the gym (who are exercising incorrectly)? From your friends, coworkers, the web, tv, newspaper, the latest research findings, or perhaps your 5th grade gym teacher? What you are doing for exercise directly determines the results you will get. To learn what you should do, there is no better place to start then by writing down your goals and then working with a professional trainer to design the right workout to meet those goals. Haphazard exercise will provide haphazard results.

  • Never Changing Your Workout
    When you do the same thing day after day, you get very good at it. In exercise this is called the principle of adaptation. It basically means that we become very efficient by doing the same exercise over and over. This is great for sports performance, but not that great for weight lose, strength increases or physical fitness progression. If you always do the same workout for the same amount of time you will eventually hit a plateau where you fail to see any additional change. One way of overcoming this plateau is to modify your workouts every few weeks or months. You can change the type of exercise you do, the length, the amount of weight lifted or the number or reps. This is why professional athletes change their program during the off-season.

  • Using Incorrect Form or Technique
    Learning the right way to exercise is essential to getting results. Form does matter, especially when doing any strength training exercise. Incorrect form or technique also sets you up for potential injuries, pain and soreness. To learn proper technique, there is no better place to start than with a personal trainer or coach.

  • Setting Unrealistic Goals
    So, what are your goals? Are they realistic for you? If your goal is to be the next Lance Armstrong, and you only have 30 minutes a day to train, or wanting to lose 25 pounds in a month, well, how realistic is that? Again, it comes back to being honest with yourself about your abilities, your level of commitment and your lifestyle. We need to set appropriate goals that start from where we are and progress at a reasonable rate or we are sure to get frustrated and quit.

  • Measuring the Wrong Results
    Many people think their workout isn't working because they don't measure the right things. Looking for proof in a scale is often a set-up for disappointment because some new exercisers build muscle and lose fat, but the scale doesn't provide information about body composition. Better ways to measure your fitness progress include tracking your heart rate at a given pace, measuring the distance you can cover in a certain amount of time, tracking the amount of weight you can lift, or even writing down how you feel -- physically -- at the end of each day. Many of the benefits from exercise are subtle and not visible by looking into the mirror, but things such as cholesterol level, blood pressure, and the ease with which you can do daily chores are every bit as motivating -- if you monitor them.

The Best Time of Day to Walk and Exercise

Adoi... banyak nye habuk kat blog nie... hihihihi... banyak sangat keje... sampai tak sempat nak berblogging.... just nak share information about work out... maklumlah sekarang tuan rumah tengah galak gi gym n jogging... every day spent 2hour kat gym... weekend lak gi joging kat tasik ampang hilir pagi petang... memang tengah galak ... kwakwakwkakwwk.....

ambil info kat

Is there a best time of day to walk?

Research on lung function, body rhythms, temperature, and hormone levels says one thing -- to exercise around 6 p.m.

Surveys on exercise habits say another -- to exercise in the morning before other commitments distract you, or during the day when you have a free period of time. Let's explore the pros and cons of when to exercise.


• The majority of people who exercise consistently do so early in the day. It is easier to form the exercise habit through morning exercise.
• Fewer distractions and schedule interruptions.
• Can make time for exercise by getting up a bit earlier.
• Raises your heart rate and metabolism to burn more calories earlier in the day.
• Gives a feeling of physical energy for hours.
• Improves your mental acuity for hours.
• Cooler temperatures in summer.
• Lowest air pollution levels in the morning.
• Body adjusts to your exercise time, so if you are training for a morning walking event, train in the morning.

• Body temperature is at its lowest 1 to 3 hours before awakening, making morning a time of naturally lower energy and blood flow.
• Cold, stiff muscles may be more prone to injury. Be sure to warm up well before doing a higher speed workout, and do gentle stretching.
• If you do not enjoy morning exercise, you won't easily form a walking habit by choosing a morning workout time.
• Because body temperature and hormones are higher in late afternoon, you probably get the same or better calorie-burning effects later in the day.

Noon-Time and Break -time

• Can make a habit to walk and exercise at lunch and break time.
• Can use a walking and exercise partner at work, school, or in your neighborhood.
• Body temperature and hormone levels are higher than first thing in the morning.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for lunch, and help you avoid break-time snacking.
• Improves blood flow to the brain so you are sharper in the afternoon.
• Stress relief from work, school, or home stresses.

• Time constraints may not allow you to get in a full workout. Any amount is good, but best if you can walk 30 to 60 minutes or more at a stretch
• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.
• Research shows that lung function is worst at noon. For an easy walk, you may not notice the difference. But for a vigorous workout or for those with lung problems, the 15% to 20% difference may be felt.

Afternoon and After-Work

Research shows that afternoon (3 p.m. to 7 p.m.) is the best time to exercise for both endurance and for building muscle.

• For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 p.m. Exercising 3 hours before or after the peak will give your your best workout for both endurance and building muscle.
• Research shows lung function is best at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
• Muscles are warm and flexible.
• Perceived exertion is lowest -- how hard you feel yourself to be working at exercise. So you may be able to work out harder or faster by doing so in the afternoon.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for dinner.
• Stress relief after a day at work, school, or home.

• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.


• For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 p.m. Exercising 3 hours before or after the peak will give your your best workout for both endurance and building muscle.
• Muscles are warm and flexible.
• Perceived exertion is low -- how hard you feel yourself to be working at exercise. So you may be able to work out harder or faster.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for dinner.
• Stress relief after a day at work, school, or home.

• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.
• Need to allow one to three hours to wind down after walking or exercise to be able to fall asleep.
• If you discover sleeping problems, need to schedule your workout earlier.
• At dark times of the year, be sure to wear reflective gear.

The Very Best Time

The very best time to walk? Walking can only do you good if you do it. The best time to walk is the time that will fit best into your schedule so you can do it consistently. Experts agree -- it is not the time of day that matters as much as finding the time you can set aside consistently for your workouts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to Get a High Metabolism Naturally

If you are looking for tips about how to get a high metabolism, you will be interested in this article. We will discuss different ways which can help you speed up your metabolism. After reading this article, you should be able to increase your metabolism naturally.

Most people who want to increase their metabolism have excess fat. As we know, metabolism affect your weight loss. If you have slow metabolism, you burn calorie slowly. If you have high metabolism, you burn calorie fast. So, having high metabolism is important to your fat loss. There are several things that affect your metabolism, such as age, sex, eating, activity. Now, you may want to know how can you speed up metabolism and burn fat faster? Here are some tips for you.

1, Do not skip breakfast. When it comes to fat loss, breakfast is the most important meal in your daily life. Because it jump start your metabolism, and keep it high the whole day. So you have to eat breakfast if you want a high metabolism all day long.

2, Eat small proportion more frequently. About five small meals per day is good to boost your metabolism.

3, Eat veggies and fruits that are high in fiber.

4, Drink green tea. It is said that drinking green tea can raise your metabolism. But there are also many people say that the effect is insignificant.

5, Do exercises, especially weight training and those workouts that can help you build muscle mass. Why is it important to do such kind of exercises? Because muscle accelerate calories burning. If you get more muscle, you get higher metabolism.

To sum up, eating right and doing exercises in your daily life are the two main things that you can do to get high metabolism naturally.

ambil kat website nie -

How to Get A High Metabolism

Knowing how to get a high metabolism will help you burn more calories and lose the weight you want to lose. You can increase your metabolism by starting some new healthy exercise and diet routines. You will lose weight while eating more and feeling great. Even naturally low metabolisms can be increased with good daily habits.

Difficulty: Easy


  1. 1

    WEIGHT TRAINING - Begin a weight training routine three to five days per week.

    Weight training is the best thing that you can do to increase your metabolism. The muscle that you build will keep your metabolism running long after you finish exercising.

    Muscles burn more calories than fat does. Your muscles will continue to burn fat even when you are sleeping. Build more fat burning muscles today.

  2. 2

    CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE - Begin a cardiovascular exercise routine five to seven days per week.

    Exercise thirty to sixty minutes per day in addition to your weight training exercises.

    Cardiovascular exercises consist of walking, running, skiing, jump roping, jogging, biking and other activities.

    Exercise can be a fun way to boost your metabolism, find something that you like and do it everyday.

  3. 3

    SPICY FOODS - Eat spicy foods to give your metabolism a boost. Spicy foods such as chili pepper or curry will turbo charge your metabolism.

  4. 4

    GREEN TEA - Drink at least four glasses of green tea each day to speed up your metabolism. Green tea has proven metabolism boosting properties.

  5. 5

    MILK - Drink at least three glasses of milk everyday. Milk increases your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. Drink milk everyday and you will notice the results on the scale.

  6. 6

    ACAI BERRY JUICE - Drink at least one glass of acai berry juice to give your metabolism and your energy level a boost. Acai berry juice is delicious and will also help you feel full after meals.

  7. 7

    WATER - Drink plenty of water throughout your day. Drink at least eight glasses of water spread out evenly throughout your day.

  8. 8

    HOT DRINKS - Drink your favorite hot drinks in the winter time or when it is cool outside. Drinking hot beverages when it is cold will help you body increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

    Knowing how to get high metabolism will help you to enjoy food and still lose weight.

  9. 9

    COLD DRINKS - Drink cold drinks on warm or hot days. Your body will warm up the beverage and burn more calories doing so.

    If you want more information on how to get high metabolism, please look in the Resources section below.

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