Monday, July 12, 2010

i got the feeling

mmmm.... i got feeling... maksud title nie before something bad / good that will happen to me... i will got sign.... hihihihihi.... cuma tak tau apa benda je nak jadi.... tapi tau benda tu bad or good..... like last week kena gi tempat client tuk edit bahan.... sepanjang perjalanan mata sebelah kiri mengenyit.... wawawa berdebar.... aper le problem yang akan menimpa.... rupa2 nye.... my laptop problem.... software design semua hilang.... terpaksa balik ofis balik ambil lap top orang.... putrajaya-ampang-putrajaya..... duk kat putrajaya sampai kul 6.00.... balik jalan traffic giler..... memang letih... kesian kat my friend yang drive all the way then tunggu sampai siap ...... rasa bersalah giler2 even that is technical problem......

today it's happen again.... so, keep ready to hear any problem from morning..... hahahahah.... seperti yang dijangka.... there is a problem.... not to big but still have to solve..... even that it not my fault...... got spelling error ...... solution print sticker...... even before printing pun dah ader feeling this book gonna got a problem.... so check banyak kali tapi still tak nampak...... hihihihihihh.....

i got the feeling.....

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