Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Watching korean drama from 1st episod air mata jatuh berderai-derai... Cruel love/bad love... memang sedih giler citer nie.... kwawkwakwk... tersentuh hati yang sensitif nie... banyak benda nak story tapi keje datang pulak terus hilang ayat2 nak tulis... kena cari balik ayat2 yang hilang... serabut tul.. kwakawkawkaw

o.k dah dapat balik feeling... tarik nafas dalam2.... Cinta tidak la kejam... manusia tu sendiri yang kejam... sebab cinta sanggup melakukan aper sahaja... Cinta tak memerlukan pergorbanan tapi give and take.... memberi dan menerima... mencintai tak semestinya bersama akhirnya.... cinta terlalu luas maknanyer.... setiap orang berbeza pandangan dan pendapat.... cinta adalah anugerah yang terindah bagi setiap manusia... cinta bukan sekadar untuk mencari pasangan hidup tapi kita bercinta dengan semua orang termasuk diri kita sendiri apatah lagi dengan pencipta kita Allah S.W.T dan Rasul kita Nabi Muhammad SAW..... belajar untuk mencintai pencipta kita dengan sepenuh jiwa kita akan dapat rasa perbezaannya.... kita rasa semua didunia nie mencintai kita.. tak percaya... cuba dulu baru tau.....

CINTA berlainan jantina semua orang pernah merasainya tapi tak semua mampu untuk memilikinya.... memandang dan mendoakan dari jauh orang yang dicintai suatu yang indah.... melihat mereka bahagia juga suatu yang indah..... INDAHnya CINTA....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Most Common Exercises Mistakes

info ambil kat sini : http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/sampleworkouts/a/WorkoutMistakes.htm... layan je la yea..

Did you know the average health club exerciser quits after just six months for one of the following reasons:
  1. Not Enough Time
  2. Not Seeing Results
Sadly, most people become frustrated and quit exercising before they see any real results. But it's not surprising given the common mistakes many people make with their training programs. Are you making these workout mistakes?

Common Reasons Your Workouts Don't Work

  • All Quantity, No Quality
    Take a look around the gym (if you haven't quit going yet) and see how many people are really getting a quality workout. I'm always amazed by how many people are wandering aimlessly, walking leisurely on a treadmill while reading a book, lifting weights so light that not one hair moves out of place, or simply look bored. A lot of exercisers head to the gym out of habit, and as if on automatic pilot, put in some time and head back to work or home. If you are one of these people, ask yourself, "What do I want to get out of this?" If you want serious results, you need to do serious exercise. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and have fun. But it does means you need to focus on what you are doing and increase the quality of every movement. Once you start exercising with a real purpose and pushing both your aerobic capacity and your strength you will find your workouts take half the time and give better results.

  • Overestimating Your Exercise
    Most exercisers are far too generous with estimates of exercise intensity and time, weight lifted and the frequency of their workouts. To avoid overestimating it's helpful to keep an exercise log and track these items. Additionally, many people mistakingly believe that if they exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes they have burned lots and lots of calories and fat. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. While exercise does burn calories over time and consistent exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off, it's hard to lose body fat through exercise alone. Which brings us to the next mistake. . .

  • Underestimating Your Eating
    Many people are in denial about the foods they eat and especially the quantity consumed. If you really want to lose weight you need to be honest with yourself about what you put into your mouth and how that helps or hinders your weight loss goals. To get real with yourself, write it down. Tracking what you eat in a food diary will help you break the cycle of food denial. (Besides, you are the only one who needs to know).

  • Doing the Wrong Type of Workout
    Where did you learn your current exercise routine? Watching others at the gym (who are exercising incorrectly)? From your friends, coworkers, the web, tv, newspaper, the latest research findings, or perhaps your 5th grade gym teacher? What you are doing for exercise directly determines the results you will get. To learn what you should do, there is no better place to start then by writing down your goals and then working with a professional trainer to design the right workout to meet those goals. Haphazard exercise will provide haphazard results.

  • Never Changing Your Workout
    When you do the same thing day after day, you get very good at it. In exercise this is called the principle of adaptation. It basically means that we become very efficient by doing the same exercise over and over. This is great for sports performance, but not that great for weight lose, strength increases or physical fitness progression. If you always do the same workout for the same amount of time you will eventually hit a plateau where you fail to see any additional change. One way of overcoming this plateau is to modify your workouts every few weeks or months. You can change the type of exercise you do, the length, the amount of weight lifted or the number or reps. This is why professional athletes change their program during the off-season.

  • Using Incorrect Form or Technique
    Learning the right way to exercise is essential to getting results. Form does matter, especially when doing any strength training exercise. Incorrect form or technique also sets you up for potential injuries, pain and soreness. To learn proper technique, there is no better place to start than with a personal trainer or coach.

  • Setting Unrealistic Goals
    So, what are your goals? Are they realistic for you? If your goal is to be the next Lance Armstrong, and you only have 30 minutes a day to train, or wanting to lose 25 pounds in a month, well, how realistic is that? Again, it comes back to being honest with yourself about your abilities, your level of commitment and your lifestyle. We need to set appropriate goals that start from where we are and progress at a reasonable rate or we are sure to get frustrated and quit.

  • Measuring the Wrong Results
    Many people think their workout isn't working because they don't measure the right things. Looking for proof in a scale is often a set-up for disappointment because some new exercisers build muscle and lose fat, but the scale doesn't provide information about body composition. Better ways to measure your fitness progress include tracking your heart rate at a given pace, measuring the distance you can cover in a certain amount of time, tracking the amount of weight you can lift, or even writing down how you feel -- physically -- at the end of each day. Many of the benefits from exercise are subtle and not visible by looking into the mirror, but things such as cholesterol level, blood pressure, and the ease with which you can do daily chores are every bit as motivating -- if you monitor them.

The Best Time of Day to Walk and Exercise

Adoi... banyak nye habuk kat blog nie... hihihihi... banyak sangat keje... sampai tak sempat nak berblogging.... just nak share information about work out... maklumlah sekarang tuan rumah tengah galak gi gym n jogging... every day spent 2hour kat gym... weekend lak gi joging kat tasik ampang hilir pagi petang... memang tengah galak ... kwakwakwkakwwk.....

ambil info kat http://walking.about.com/cs/beginners/a/besttime.htm

Is there a best time of day to walk?

Research on lung function, body rhythms, temperature, and hormone levels says one thing -- to exercise around 6 p.m.

Surveys on exercise habits say another -- to exercise in the morning before other commitments distract you, or during the day when you have a free period of time. Let's explore the pros and cons of when to exercise.


• The majority of people who exercise consistently do so early in the day. It is easier to form the exercise habit through morning exercise.
• Fewer distractions and schedule interruptions.
• Can make time for exercise by getting up a bit earlier.
• Raises your heart rate and metabolism to burn more calories earlier in the day.
• Gives a feeling of physical energy for hours.
• Improves your mental acuity for hours.
• Cooler temperatures in summer.
• Lowest air pollution levels in the morning.
• Body adjusts to your exercise time, so if you are training for a morning walking event, train in the morning.

• Body temperature is at its lowest 1 to 3 hours before awakening, making morning a time of naturally lower energy and blood flow.
• Cold, stiff muscles may be more prone to injury. Be sure to warm up well before doing a higher speed workout, and do gentle stretching.
• If you do not enjoy morning exercise, you won't easily form a walking habit by choosing a morning workout time.
• Because body temperature and hormones are higher in late afternoon, you probably get the same or better calorie-burning effects later in the day.

Noon-Time and Break -time

• Can make a habit to walk and exercise at lunch and break time.
• Can use a walking and exercise partner at work, school, or in your neighborhood.
• Body temperature and hormone levels are higher than first thing in the morning.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for lunch, and help you avoid break-time snacking.
• Improves blood flow to the brain so you are sharper in the afternoon.
• Stress relief from work, school, or home stresses.

• Time constraints may not allow you to get in a full workout. Any amount is good, but best if you can walk 30 to 60 minutes or more at a stretch
• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.
• Research shows that lung function is worst at noon. For an easy walk, you may not notice the difference. But for a vigorous workout or for those with lung problems, the 15% to 20% difference may be felt.

Afternoon and After-Work

Research shows that afternoon (3 p.m. to 7 p.m.) is the best time to exercise for both endurance and for building muscle.

• For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 p.m. Exercising 3 hours before or after the peak will give your your best workout for both endurance and building muscle.
• Research shows lung function is best at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
• Muscles are warm and flexible.
• Perceived exertion is lowest -- how hard you feel yourself to be working at exercise. So you may be able to work out harder or faster by doing so in the afternoon.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for dinner.
• Stress relief after a day at work, school, or home.

• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.


• For most people, body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 p.m. Exercising 3 hours before or after the peak will give your your best workout for both endurance and building muscle.
• Muscles are warm and flexible.
• Perceived exertion is low -- how hard you feel yourself to be working at exercise. So you may be able to work out harder or faster.
• Can help regulate the amount of food you feel like eating for dinner.
• Stress relief after a day at work, school, or home.

• Distractions and other commitments make keep you from walking and exercising at the appointed times.
• Need to allow one to three hours to wind down after walking or exercise to be able to fall asleep.
• If you discover sleeping problems, need to schedule your workout earlier.
• At dark times of the year, be sure to wear reflective gear.

The Very Best Time

The very best time to walk? Walking can only do you good if you do it. The best time to walk is the time that will fit best into your schedule so you can do it consistently. Experts agree -- it is not the time of day that matters as much as finding the time you can set aside consistently for your workouts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to Get a High Metabolism Naturally

If you are looking for tips about how to get a high metabolism, you will be interested in this article. We will discuss different ways which can help you speed up your metabolism. After reading this article, you should be able to increase your metabolism naturally.

Most people who want to increase their metabolism have excess fat. As we know, metabolism affect your weight loss. If you have slow metabolism, you burn calorie slowly. If you have high metabolism, you burn calorie fast. So, having high metabolism is important to your fat loss. There are several things that affect your metabolism, such as age, sex, eating, activity. Now, you may want to know how can you speed up metabolism and burn fat faster? Here are some tips for you.

1, Do not skip breakfast. When it comes to fat loss, breakfast is the most important meal in your daily life. Because it jump start your metabolism, and keep it high the whole day. So you have to eat breakfast if you want a high metabolism all day long.

2, Eat small proportion more frequently. About five small meals per day is good to boost your metabolism.

3, Eat veggies and fruits that are high in fiber.

4, Drink green tea. It is said that drinking green tea can raise your metabolism. But there are also many people say that the effect is insignificant.

5, Do exercises, especially weight training and those workouts that can help you build muscle mass. Why is it important to do such kind of exercises? Because muscle accelerate calories burning. If you get more muscle, you get higher metabolism.

To sum up, eating right and doing exercises in your daily life are the two main things that you can do to get high metabolism naturally.

ambil kat website nie - http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Get-a-High-Metabolism-Naturally&id=3110695

How to Get A High Metabolism

Knowing how to get a high metabolism will help you burn more calories and lose the weight you want to lose. You can increase your metabolism by starting some new healthy exercise and diet routines. You will lose weight while eating more and feeling great. Even naturally low metabolisms can be increased with good daily habits.

Difficulty: Easy


  1. 1

    WEIGHT TRAINING - Begin a weight training routine three to five days per week.

    Weight training is the best thing that you can do to increase your metabolism. The muscle that you build will keep your metabolism running long after you finish exercising.

    Muscles burn more calories than fat does. Your muscles will continue to burn fat even when you are sleeping. Build more fat burning muscles today.

  2. 2

    CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISE - Begin a cardiovascular exercise routine five to seven days per week.

    Exercise thirty to sixty minutes per day in addition to your weight training exercises.

    Cardiovascular exercises consist of walking, running, skiing, jump roping, jogging, biking and other activities.

    Exercise can be a fun way to boost your metabolism, find something that you like and do it everyday.

  3. 3

    SPICY FOODS - Eat spicy foods to give your metabolism a boost. Spicy foods such as chili pepper or curry will turbo charge your metabolism.

  4. 4

    GREEN TEA - Drink at least four glasses of green tea each day to speed up your metabolism. Green tea has proven metabolism boosting properties.

  5. 5

    MILK - Drink at least three glasses of milk everyday. Milk increases your metabolism and helps you burn more calories. Drink milk everyday and you will notice the results on the scale.

  6. 6

    ACAI BERRY JUICE - Drink at least one glass of acai berry juice to give your metabolism and your energy level a boost. Acai berry juice is delicious and will also help you feel full after meals.

  7. 7

    WATER - Drink plenty of water throughout your day. Drink at least eight glasses of water spread out evenly throughout your day.

  8. 8

    HOT DRINKS - Drink your favorite hot drinks in the winter time or when it is cool outside. Drinking hot beverages when it is cold will help you body increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

    Knowing how to get high metabolism will help you to enjoy food and still lose weight.

  9. 9

    COLD DRINKS - Drink cold drinks on warm or hot days. Your body will warm up the beverage and burn more calories doing so.

    If you want more information on how to get high metabolism, please look in the Resources section below.

ambil kat website bawah.... letak dalam my blog nanti senang nak baca balik

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Waaa.. dah lama tak masuk blog.... terlalu bz ngan keje yang berlambak.... hari nie saja nak share information tentang lettuce atau bahasa melayu nye salad.... search tang salad untuk my own info.... maklumlah still dalam program diet.... so far info kata it's good untuk makan salad nie.... patut la orang korea suka makan salad.... banyak khasiatnye.... terbayang wrap ayam ngan salad... macam sedap je... hihihihihih... selalu tengok citer korea diorang selalu wrap salad ngan kimci, daging... info nie dapat dari http://www.juicing-for-health.com/lettuce-nutrition.html

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is known since time immemorial for its refreshing, purifying and sedative properties. It derives its name from the milky juice (“latex”) leaking out from the stems after they are cut.

Today, lettuce is one of the most common leaf vegetables and a basic ingredient of many salads. It is characterized by large, tender leaves, usually light green in color, but sometimes red or purple depending on the variety.

Both the leaves and the stems can be used, either lightly cooked or more frequently raw. Due to its high water content, lettuce is one of my favorite ingredients for a delicious, refreshing healthy juice.

Types of lettuce:

  • Iceberg/crisphead: Greener leaves on the outside and whiter on the inside. This type is most popular for its crisp texture, juicy and mild taste. A good source of choline.

  • Romaine lettuce: Has deep green and long leaves. It has a crisp texture and a deeper taste than the other varieties. A good source of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, and folic acid.

  • Butterhead: This type of lettuce has large leaves that are arranged "loosely" and are easily separated from its stem. It has a softer texture with a sweet flavor compared to its other cousins.

  • Loose-leaf: As the name implies, this variety has loose leaves that are broad and curly. It has a delicate taste and slightly crispy texture.

Nutritional Benefits

As in most vegetables, the darker the leaves, the greater the nutrient content and a good source of chlorophyll.

Lettuce has very low calorie content and is composed primarily of water, about 90-95%. It does also contain fiber, minerals¾potassium, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium; anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E, vitamin K, folic acid, as well as many vitamins of the B complex.

The milky latex, found mainly in the stems and leaf nodes of lettuce, contain a mixture of active principles which have been used for centuries for its medicinal virtues. It has extraordinary "sedative" and "painkilling" properties similar to those of opium.

Health Benefits

Although the milky latex is mostly found in the wild varieties of lettuce, commercial lettuce does contain it as well. However, the healthy properties of lettuce are immense due to its many nutrients and anti-oxidants found in the leaves.

Anti-anemic: Lettuce contains a relatively high amount of chlorophyll and iron, which are essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin in blood red cells.

Anti-oxidant: Lettuce is rich in anti-oxidants, especially beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. These substances help cleanse the body from toxins, prevent the damage caused by free-radicals, prevent premature aging and lower the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Bone health: There is evidence that lettuce has a protective effect on bone health, due to its high content in vitamin K which is required for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a bone protein which helps strengthen bone tissue. This bone protective action is particularly effective in preventing osteoporosis-related fractures in post-menopausal women and older adults. Lettuce is a good source of calcium and phosphorous, as well, which play a key role in bone structure and health.

Constipation: Thanks to its high fiber content, lettuce and its juice can help stimulate the function and motility of the intestinal tract, relieve constipation and cleanse the colon.

Cough: Lettuce juice contains anti-cough agents, which can help relieve irritable cough, as well as the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

Hydration: Lettuce juice is an excellent source of hydration at the cellular level. They are refreshing, thirst-quenching and help rehydrates our cells and releasing toxins and harmful fats from our congested cells.

Purifying: The purifying effect of lettuce is the result of the combined actions of anti-oxidants (which help neutralize harmful substances accumulate in the body), potassium (which promotes diuresis, thereby helping eliminate toxins from the body) and fiber (which helps cleanse the colon).

Sedation: Lettuce latex has been used for centuries by physicians as a substitute for opium, due to its natural sedative and painkilling properties. Today its medicinal use is limited to treat sleep disorders, nervous excitability, anxiety and restlessness, especially in children and elderly persons. Drink a glass of lettuce and celery juice an hour before bedtime to have a restful night’s sleep. Also helpful whenever you feel anxious or nervous, to keep yourself calm and relaxed.

Sexual health: This is still a subject of debate. It is known that the opium-like substances found in lettuce latex can be used to cool sexual appetite. However, some researches have observed that lettuce milk also contains pro-sexual substances, that can help fight impotence when taken in large doses. Whether this is true or not, one thing is sure: drinking a lettuce juice can’t do much harm in this sense!

Consumption Tips

Lettuce can be used raw or cooked¾although raw, fresh lettuce is by far more refreshing, nutritious and versatile than cooked lettuce.

You can use raw lettuce leaves in salads, sandwiches, as wraps, and in a variety of other dishes. For cooking, lightly cook lettuce to preserve its hydration values.

Lettuce juice is best extracted using a gear juicer to get the most nutrition out of it. It blends very well with carrot, tomato, celery, fennel and artichoke.


Lettuce is a very safe vegetable and has no adverse reaction reported so far.

There is only one condition in which large quantities of lettuce are contra-indicated: For patients undergoing anti-coagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists (such as warfarin). The high amount of vitamin K, may interfere with the therapy, possibly leading to blood clots formation (thrombosis) and related complications. So be aware if you're on such medication.

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Lettuce
  • The juice of lettuce, when mixed with rose oil and applied to the forehead, can help ease headache and even aid a sound and restful sleep.
  • Lettuce, being high in dietary fiber, aids digestion and is good for those suffering from constipation.
  • Lettuce has been associated with reducing the risk of cance, heart disease, stroke and cataracts. This mainly results from the presence of beta-carotene, the chief disease-fighting nutrient, in the salad.
  • Since lettuce is pretty low in calories, it makes the perfect snack for those trying to lose weight.
  • Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which is known to help prevent neural-tube birth defects in the beginning stages of pregnancy.
  • It is believed that consumption of lettuce might help one get over nervous insomnia, as it contains a sleep-inducing substance.
  • Lettuce has been found to be beneficial in the prevention of spina bifida and anemia.
  • Lettuce has been associated with better liver health.
  • Lettuce is frequently suggested to men who are suffering from the problem of premature ejaculation.
  • A mixture of lettuce juice and spinach juice is said to be good for those who are troubled by the problem of hair loss.
  • Lettuce is believed to be quite beneficial for people who often suffer from the problem of nervous cough.
  • The high magnesium content in lettuce makes it rich in reviving powers, in relation to muscular tissues, brain and the nerves.
  • Lettuce can prove helpful in treating acid indigestion, anemia, arthritis, catarrh, circulatory problems and colitis.
  • Those suffering from gastritis, gout, irritable bowel, obesity, sexual addiction, stress, tuberculosis, ulcers and urinary tract diseases might benefit from the regular consumption of lettuce. saja besarkan yang nie coz ader perkataan obesity... hihihihihhi
hope enjoy with my info....

Friday, September 3, 2010

Salam Eid-ulfitri

Salam eid-ulfitri buat semua

Lagi seminggu nak raya.... baju raya, kasut raya dan handbag raya merangkap untuk ke office(dah pakai pun) udah dibeli hihihihihi.... beraya sakan .... tapi still rasa ader benda nak beli lagi... kwakwakwkakw... time duit ader tak ingat dunia... tak reti la berjimat sikit.... pas raya melopong kat umah coz duit dah abis...... dua kali dah turun jalan TAR... this week rasa macam nak gi lagi... nak cari tudung lak... cari yang murah2 je la.... janji cantik..... :)

Kuih raya beli je... tak sempat nak buat... dah every week gi jalan TAR .... mana nak sempat buat......kawkakawkawkk..... kalu rajin mungkin nak buat popiah pintal tapi cuti start 9hb... nak balik kampung lagi ... nampaknye lepas raya la baru buat.... namapun kuih raya so kena buat masa hari raya(boleh ke camtu)....kawkawkakwkkk

Raya tahun nie dapat cuti sikit je... ari selasa dah start keje.... boring giler..... tak puas nak beraya.... nak apply cuti tak boleh... cuti dibekukan... sedih2..... kilang yang banyak keje... pejabat tak banyak keje... tapi bagi adil2 dua tak boleh apply cuti..... sedih lagi 10x..... apa-apa hope dapat bonus le tahun nie ... menanti penuh sabar nie... hopefully dapat lebih sikit nak shopping lagi nie... tak puas lagi shopping... ye la setahun 3-4 kali je shopping (hihihi... kenapa tak caya ke)..... kwakwkaawkkkw......

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


“Wahai orang-orang beriman, diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan ke atas orang-orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa” (Al-Baqarah :183)

Selamat berpuasa buat semua, moga ramadan kali ini mendapat keberkatan dan rahmat dari Allah SWT. Marilah kita bersama merebut peluang yang Allah berikan kepada umatnya di bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Luahan Hati

Kau tempat ku mengadu hati
Memberi segala hidup
Dunia dan seisinya milikmu
Mencintai mu sejati.......

Lagu nie tiap-taip hari pergi n balik keje meniti kat mulut.... hihihihi.... dah lagu nie je ingat lirik n melody nye ngan tul tu yang syok je..... radio keta dah rosak.... kena la guna mulut sendiri nyanyi kwakwkkwk walaupun suara tak sedap...... feeling nyanyi lagu nie..... hihihihihihihih

"Allah tidak akan menguji sesuatu diluar kemampuan hambanya"

hihihihii benda nie la selalu bermain kat fikiran..... bila la nak jumpa soulmate nie.... tapi bila mengingatkan quote tu terus boleh tenang kembali.... malas nak fikir..... biar la ape orang nak cakap.... cari by fb ke..... ngorat kat shopping mall ke.... nak kenalkan ngan seseorang ke..... kalu belum sampai lagi jodoh tu nak buat camne...... berdoa je.... moga diperkenankan oleh Allah.... hanya dia tempat mengadu..... ader yang nak tolong mandi bunga pun ader..... ish ish ish..... syirik semua benda tu..... nanti ingat disebabkan mandi bunga boleh dapat jodoh.... sedangkan semua tu dari yang Maha Esa......

Tak tau nak jawab bila ramai sangat bertanya bila nak merasa nasi minyak.... aduh..... terpaksa la senyum sumbang...... kwawkwkkawkkakwk....... malas nak jawab pun ader.... tapi jawab je la InsyaAllah nanti ader la..... kwkakwkakwkwkkkw...... kadang-kadang rasa macam desprate la pulak...... hihihihihihihi......

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Bila baca lirik nie.... terasa macam kena tuan empunyer blog nie..... so layan je la lagu nie...... hihihihihih.... sekarang dah kurang sikit angau..... hahaahhaha.... still angau..... sebulan kot baru boleh back to normal........

Ku Bukan Aku - Tilu

Lama sungguh hari berlalu
Hening malam menyiksaku
Bila bersendirian sepi jadi pilu

Kau pergi aku yang hilang
Sedikit pun hidup tak senang
Langit cerah ku renung mendung kelabu

Kerana diriku bukan aku
Tiap kali kau menjauh
Fikiran tak keruan
Jiwa rasa kekosongan
Diriku bukan aku
Tiap kali kau menjauh
Pulangkan dia ke pangkuanku

Yang digemar menjadi bosan
Sukarnya cari ketenteraman
Bila hati bersedih semuanya tak betul

Ku cuba setabah hati melupakan
Dirimu dari ingatan
Tapi semakin dicuba semakin rindu

(ulang korus 2x)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thinking of You

It's all about you
When u will fall in love with me
I'm waiting for you
My heart can't stop beating
What can i do to make u mine
How did i fall in love with you.....

Monday, July 12, 2010

i got the feeling

mmmm.... i got feeling... maksud title nie before something bad / good that will happen to me... i will got sign.... hihihihihi.... cuma tak tau apa benda je nak jadi.... tapi tau benda tu bad or good..... like last week kena gi tempat client tuk edit bahan.... sepanjang perjalanan mata sebelah kiri mengenyit.... wawawa berdebar.... aper le problem yang akan menimpa.... rupa2 nye.... my laptop problem.... software design semua hilang.... terpaksa balik ofis balik ambil lap top orang.... putrajaya-ampang-putrajaya..... duk kat putrajaya sampai kul 6.00.... balik jalan traffic giler..... memang letih... kesian kat my friend yang drive all the way then tunggu sampai siap ...... rasa bersalah giler2 even that is technical problem......

today it's happen again.... so, keep ready to hear any problem from morning..... hahahahah.... seperti yang dijangka.... there is a problem.... not to big but still have to solve..... even that it not my fault...... got spelling error ...... solution print sticker...... even before printing pun dah ader feeling this book gonna got a problem.... so check banyak kali tapi still tak nampak...... hihihihihihh.....

i got the feeling.....


Kwakwakwakwk.... baru je nak lupakan dia.... hahahahaha.... tiba dengar suara dia.... khikhihihikhihihi..... kelakar tul.... so hard.... tapi kena juga.... whole week la asyik teringat dia nie.... mmmm....... hihihiihi.... tadi my hearbeat biasa-biasa je.... sekarang berdebar2... kwakwakwakwwak....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wahai wanita solehah, andai belum sampai jodohmu...

Wahai wanita solehah, jangan risaukan jodohmu kerana muslimin yang bijaksana itu tidak akan terpaut pada wanita yang cantik, lirikan senyuman, bicara yang menggoda, pujuk rayu wanita yang meruntuhkan imannya. Sesungguhnya lelaki itu adalah pemimpin kepada wanita. Andai belum sampai jodohmu, bersabarlah..anggaplah bahawa adam yang dikau nantikan sedang membina sakhsiah kepimpinannya untuk memimpin dirimu dan ummah kerana wanita juga pasti ada kekurangannya...dan Adam yang benar2 layak pasti akan hadir untuk melengkapkanmu..Yakinlah dengan takdir...

sejuk baca ayat kat atas nie.... ihihihi...... ambil dari orang nye.... so sesiapa yang buat quote kat atas nie.... terima kasih banyak n sorry ye copy n paste dalam blog nie.....

My Favourite Songs..... Endless LOVE

tengah angau dengar lagu nie... memang bertambah angau la jawabnya.... hahahhaha..... layan je la orang tengah angau nie.....

(Lionel Richie Duet with Diana Ross)

My love,
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright

My first love,
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make

And I
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...

And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love

Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun

I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms

And love
Oh, love
I'll be a fool
For you,
I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind

'Cause you,
You mean the world to me
I know
I know
I've found in you
My endless love

Boom, boom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, booom
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

Oooh, and love
Oh, love
I'll be that fool
For you,
I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh you know-
I don't mind

And, YES
You'll be the only one
'Cause NO one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love
My love, my love
My endless love


Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky,

Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round

hahahahha.... lirik lagu Jason Mraz - Lucky... ambil part nie je... kwkakkwkakwakaw.... angau lagi nie.......

Masukkan juga la lirik penuh..... hihihihi.... tapi part yang kat atas je berkenaan yang lain tak berkenaan pun....

Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music fill the air
I'll put a flower in your hair
Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I'm lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Still keep thinking of him

hhihihi.... tengah ader keje tapi tak leh nak buat keje... tengah angau per..... hihihihihi so tulis blog jap... release all about him.... terbayang2 je muka dia sekarang.... giler tul......nak buat design asyik nampak muka dia... hahahahahha...... camner nie nak buat keje.... mmm susah nya nak lupakan someone yang kita suka.... bangun tidur ingat dia... nak tidur ingat dia..... nak buat semua ingat dia... semua perasaan je.... kwakawkkawkwk more kepada perasan...... mmm...

sebab tu la bukan senang untuk meleraikan sebuah perkahwinan... dah bertahun bersama tiba2 nak berpisah (terselit kisah friends ....hihihih... one of my member going divorce)... kecian pun ader... bertahun hidup bersama tapi berpisah disebabkan perempuan lain.... ini bukan yang pertama but sejak kawin lagi memang laki suka cari perempuan lain.... sudah lama bersama baru sekarang dah tahan lagi.... what ever i hope she will be tabah and kuat dalam menghadapi dugaan begini.... Allah sayangkan kita sebab dia selalu menguji kita....

nie baru nak ader feeling dah nak over..... kwkakwkakawkak .... bertepuk sebelah tangan lak tu..... hihihihih.... berusaha keras nak melupakan dia.... susah.... but i'm sure i can.... after a week without meet him..... sekarang still terbayang senyum dia... perbualan ngan dia.... itu namanya angau...... hahahhahah.... tulis dalam blog hope dapat lupakan dia.... dulu selalu tulis dalam diari if falling in love with someone..... secret admirelah kiranya... hihihihi.... sekarang tulis blog je lah.... senang.... to person that i tengah angau nie.... hope dia berjaya dalam hidup n per ye..... moga dia bahagia..... tu je yang mampu didoakan buat insan yang disukai.... hihihihihih...... tak salah untuk menyukai seseorang sebab Allah menjadikan manusia itu penuh ngan kasih sayang..... cuma sayang tu banyak definisinya sebagai sayang kepada adik.... kakak.... abang..... kawan dan keluarga.......

Monday, July 5, 2010


Mudahnya kita untuk jatuh cinta dan begitu mudah untuk membenci seseorang.... perbezaan cinta dan benci adalah sangat tipis.... aper itu cinta.... adakah cinta itu begitu hebat hingga membuat manusia merana apabila cinta dikhianati...... cinta membuat kita mengenal erti bahagia dan derita.... (nak search kat mr. google makna cinta)... eh... tak jumpa la makna cinta yang sebenar2 nya..... setiap manusia ader pengertian cinta sendiri.... seribu orang tak sama pengertian tentang cinta.... asas pengertian cinta bagi setiap orang adalah menyayangi seseorang sepenuh jiwa raga (betul ke nie..... entah lah pandai2 le fikir aper tu cinta) ...... adakah bila kita menyukai seseorang tu makna kita cinta dia..... oooo sudah pasti tidak.... kwakwakawkk..... ntah tak pandai nak descript tang cinta.... tak der experience (keciannye).... cinta monyet aderlah......kwawakwkwk cinta ngan monyet.... hhihihihhihiih

aper lah ayat merapu kat atas nie.... sebenar hati nie tengah berserabut tentang cinta.... falling in love with someone yang impossible untuk bercinta (bukan suami orang coz kalu suami orang awal2 dah tolak tepi... no feeling2 with orangnye husband)..... saper dia biarlah rahsia ..... kang kut dia terbaca blog nie (mana tau .... hihiihih)..... abis malu satu kampung...... bila ngan dia terasa macam ader chemistry je.... chewah.... terasa selamat.... tenang n masa berlalu tanpa disedari..... cinta ke tu?... HAHAHAH.. baru je jumpa dia.... tapi my heart can't stop beat.... helppppppp...... kwakwkawkwakkw... kelakar rasanya... terbaca ayat kat bawah nie masa cari apa erti cinta....

Orang perempuan mudah tertarik kepada lelaki yang memberi perhatian, penghargaan dan penghormatan kepada mereka.

Wanita mudah tertawan kepada lelaki yang gentleman – bersopan santun, suka membantu, menghormati wanita, berani dan yakin diri.

Itulah yang terjadi padaku.... dia gentleman sangat.... n beri perhatian... manalah tak cair.... aduiiii.... tapi dia just ikhlas memberi tak melibatkan feeling pun.... cuma hati wanita nie je yang cair.... kwkawkakkawkwkakwkw..... so, just make that kenangan sebagai sweet memory... hahahhahahah.... kena sedar diri.... mudahya diriku jatuh cinta....... ye lah hari tu jatuh cinta ngan RAIN - KOREAN ARTIST.... sekarang nie jatuh cinta ngan someone yang ader mirip2 RAIN gak (ye ke ader) .... hahhahahah

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Puas memikirkan nak letak title aper untuk entry kali nie.... semalam satu hari duduk tempat client...... sampai kat tempat client awal pagi then diorang kata meeting tunda petang..... aduh bengang giler....... asal tak call awal2....ye la nak balik ofis balik tak berbaloi pergi balik dah 2 jam... rugi minyak... rugi masa ... rugi segalanya ... so tunggu je la kat situ... sambil tu edit aper yang patut..... dah lah tak sempat nak breakfast.... dah perut menyanyi2 macam lagu2. lagu korea, lagu indonesia, lagu inggeris.... .... kuat lak tu.... kwawkawkkawkw malu kalu orang dengar..... tak tau kalu de orang dengar.....

dah la kat ofis ader keje urgent...... so sempat buat ala kadar je pagi sebelum bertolak..... kenapa senyum dalam geram.... ye lah... takkan lah nak masam muka ngan client.... prinsip bisnes kan client is bosssssss........ kwakwakakkwka...... balik umah.... kepala dah pusing2 macam gasing.... tunggu azan maghrib then terus zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... tidur.... kepala pening giler... angin dah naik kat kepala.... perut kosong dari pagi ... tengahari je sekali makan.... malam dah tak makan.... tak leh nak masuk.... angin dah penuh satu badan........ nasib baik sedar nak solat isyak.... hhihihihhihihi.....

but.... walaupun terpaksa tempuhi perlbagai kerenah pelanggan semalam tapi hati tak le mengelegak sangat mungkin berkat hari jumaat ..... mengelegak sikit je la...... mungkin nie sebab anugerah Allah semalam yang memberi ketenangan dalam menghadapi cubaan hidup...... selalu nyer kalu kes macam nie memang membara hati nie macam nak meletus gunung berapi...... so, aper pun yang kita buat jangan lupa berdoa kepada Allah.... InsyaAllah ALLAH akan bantu ....kita.....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sebelum Cahaya

Ku teringat, hati,
Yang bertabur, mimpi,
Kemana kau pergi, cinta
Perjalanan sunyi,
Yang kau tempuh sendiri,
Kuatkanlah hati, cinta

Ingatkan engkau kepada,
Embun pagi bersahaja,
Yang menemani mu,
Sebelum cahaya
Ingatkan engkau kepada,
Angin yang berhembus mesra,
Yang 'kan membelai mu, cinta

Kekuatan, hati,
Yang berpegang, janji,
Genggamlah tangan ku, cinta
Ku tak akan pergi,
Meninggalkan mu sendiri,
Temani hati mu cinta




[Chorus] (x2)
~ 'Kan membelai mu, cinta

Lirik lagu ST 12 Kebesaranmu

Kau tempatku mengadu hati

memberi segala hidup
dunia dan seisinya milik-Mu
mencintai-Mu sejati

ku manusia yang penuh dosa
berharap ampunan-Mu
lihat di langit kesempurnaan hati-Mu
Kau cinta pertama dalam hidup

Allahu Akbar Maha Besar
memuja-Mu begitu indah
selalu Kau berikan semua
kebesaran-Mu Tuhan

repeat reff [3x]

kebesaran-Mu Tuhan


Friday, June 18, 2010


hari nie topik merapu je nie.... kwakwkawkwkakw... nak tulis blog tapi malas tapi tetap tulis gak (baper banyak tapi da............) ..... kerja tengah tak der nie.... boring lak.... ader keje nak muntah buat keje......... kwkakwqkakwawkk....... chewah tajuk kemana hilang senyumku... bukan aper sejak akhir2 nie muka asyik masam je..... kesian kat officemate.... kwawkwakwkakwkwaka ....... mana tak masam muka keje tengah berlambak masa tu..... sekarang dah tak der keje berseri sikit muka..... kwakwkakwakawkkw..... lagipun banyak tul masalah yang nak kena fikir dalam otak.... masalah kewangan.... masalah kerja yang berlambak .... masalah tut (rahsia ) ........kekwkwakwakak..... laaaaa ader tiga je ke masalah ......... ingatkan berjuta masalah dalam otak nie.... rasa macam sarat sangat dah kepala nie...... kwakwkakakwk...... semua masalah nie bukan lah tahap kritikal pun..... saja je otak nie bagi fungsi sikit...... kwakwakkkakawkawk....... belum jadi perdana menteri ....... masalah tiga je... pun dah tak leh nak tampung...... camner PM boleh berfikir untuk menyelesaikan masalah negara yg dipimpin..... keputusan yang perlu dibuat.... adois penin kepala dibuatnye......

Teringat lagu senyum seindah suria..... kadang bangun pagi nyanyi lagu nie.... saja ambil mood nak senyum kwakawkakakwwkk

Senyum seindah suria yang membawa cahaya
Senyum lah dari hati duniamu berseri
Senyum kepada semua
Dengan senyum ...... lupa da lirik.... kwakwakawakak

merapu dah entry hari nie..... so nak sambung merapu lagi..... seronok nye kalu dapat bercuti kat island ..... menikmati keindahan alam sambil ditiup angin laut sepoi2 bahasa (tengah bayangkan diri duk tepi laut) .... best nyer...... nak gi pulau perhentian...... tapi tak der perancangan buat masa sekarang.... kekangan kewangan telah melanda ekonomi diriku.........

Kadang2 terfikir... tuk ape bekerja berhempas pulas kalu sekadar utk kepuasan yg sementara.... simpanan tak der.... harta apatah lagi ..... usia makin meningkat..... hutang pun makin meningkat nie..... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... nie belum lagi beranak pinak... baru tampung untuk diri sendiri...... adois pening lagi kepala ku nie....... tiap2 bulan buat bugdet... tapi bugdet sekadar melukut tepi gantang je.... kwakwakkawk....... utk perbelanjaan je yg betul.... tuk simpanan langsung tak follow pun...... boros yg amat...... makin nak berjimat makin jadi pemboros......

separuh dari salary digunakan untuk bayar hutang...... bayar utilities...... minyak keta...... tapi sampai hujung bulan duit tetap tak cukup..... nak kata beli barang banyak tak juga..... ntah kemana la hilang duit ku (bukan kena curi tapi telah dilabur di pasaraya atau shopping complex saja buat penin kelapa fikir kemana duit menghilang masa belanja tak ingat diri)....... kwakwakawkawkawkawk.........

o.k lah merapu tahap gaban dah nie..... time lunch dah menjelang... nak pergi mengular jap.... kawakawkawkw.... mata dah berat nie.... zasssssssssssssssssssss

Friday, June 11, 2010


Sepanjang hari nie.... asyik teringat RAIN je.... kwakwakkawkwaka.... sampai tengah buat keje pun boleh search website rain.... http://rain-jihoon.com/ ..... giler tul.... nie penangan tengok happy together malam tadi.... rain jadi quest... terus berangan falling in love...... kwakwakwkakwak.... memang kelakar happy together last night... happening tul.... kwkawkakawkwakkkwa..... actually minat rain (bukanlah minat sangat...ye ke...) masa dia berlakon full house..... memang best....... k lah entry hari nie nak citer tang nie je..... kwakawkakkawkw...... kat mata nie terbayang rain je.... patutlah ramai peminat dia.... memang ada wow factor kat rain nie....... lagu dia love story (0912..... after) best gak dari album rainism tak silap....

Rain - Love Story [0912........After] (English Version)


This is my story......it's true

Vers 1:

Oh Baby there's something's that I have to tell you 'bout
Can't hold it in my heart
All this pain is breakin' me down
Thought I found my one true love
Couldn't show you how I feel
I was stupid baby my pride wouldn't let me be real


[I'm asking for one more chance]
Didn't know where you stand or
What your feelings demanded from me

[I pleaded your wouldn't pass]
(ohh) You left me out in the rain
when you just walked away


This song is a story of a true love tragedy
I gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me

We've come to the ending somehow
I don't know what to do

But I don't wanna forget now

I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be

My heart gonna wait forever
I'm still holding on to

All of our moments together

I love you baby, I still love you

Vers 2:

We were so much in love
Tell me how could you forget
Wish you were here with me but

Memories are all I have left

It seems the promises
that you made to me were nothing
And you smiling girl but I can see your hurt within


[I'm asking for one more chance]
Baby give me your hand
So we can both understand this love

[I pleaded your love wouldn't pass]
(ohh) all the pieces of my soul
want to live in your heart


This song is a story of a true love tragedy
I gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me

We've come to the ending somehow
I don't know what to do

But I don't wanna forget now

I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be

My heart gonna wait forever
I'm still holding on to

All of our moments together

I love you baby, I still love you

Vers 3:

Gotta close the door
Just like you did before
See my heart is broken
Baby I can't do it no more

Even though it hurts
I'll make a brand new start
And lay the rest all the moments
That played with my heart

But just before I do
I gotta let you know that
No man will love you more
So baby never forget

Listen!!!.....I'm without you
All I know is right now
I love, I'll always love you ohhhhhh~~~~~


This song is a story of a true love tragedy~~
I gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me

We've come to the ending somehow
I don't know what to do

But I don't wanna forget now
I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be


My heart gonna wait forever
I'm still holding on to

All of our moments together

I love you , I will always love you,

ho oo


Baby.....please come back to me
....I miss You

kwkakwkaakwk... siap cari lirik lagi..... k..... tatatataatas

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Lunch time.... my younger brother call .... bawah nie perbualan adik dan kakak

adik : kak ngah ko beli ape untuk mak......

kakak : hihihihi.... ingat kan tak ingat besday mak tadi....

adik : mestilah ingat.... mana boleh lupa......

kakak : kak ngah ingat nak beli jam untuk mak.... tapi kena tengok budget dulu.....

adik : kita kongsi la.....

kakak : ko ader duit ke ...(maklum adik bongsu nie keje sendiri..... sekarang job tengah kurang)

adik : kalu RM50 ader la....

kakak : cukup la tu.... tambah kakngah nyer sikit....

then just now antar msg kat along tanya free tak mlm esok.... n nak minta tolong kak long buat kek coklat (sedap kek kak long buat).......

then along call.... boleh ... no hal...... esok dia dtg.. pastu tanya nak beli hadiah aper... then cakap nak beli jam tangan... along pun nak kongsi... so bolehlah cari yang mahal sikit.... biar berbaloi mak nak memakainya.... .. hihihihihi esok buat surprise party tuk mak..... tak yah rancang awal2.... kwawkwakkwakwk.... buat aper yang patut je lah...... yg penting mak happy......

actually saje tak nak bagi tau awal2 kat younger brother konon2 nak test dia ingat tak besday mak.... nasib baik ingat .... sayang gak dia kat mak guper nye..... kwkakwkkwakwkkw..... bukan nye aper..... selalu dia buat mak risau.... malam2 tak duduk umah duk melepak ngan kawan....... tiap2 pagi mak dah bagi syarahan.... yg dengarnyer kak dia nie... dia tidur dah tak dengar.... kwkawkwakkwkakwk.........


hihiihihi party tu yang tak tahan.... wooo masuk usia 76 thn nie...... alhamdulillah we all dapat celebrate besday woo tahun nie insyaAllah tahun depan n seterusnya..... memang meriah party nie... sebelum buat party pagi tu buat kenduri doa selamat dulu.... then buat surprise party untuk wooo........ memang woo terkezzzzzzzzzzzzut nye...... this is happiest moment buat semua orang... tua muda gelak gumberi bersama-sama....... hampir 98% cucu dan cicit hadir, anak2 woo 100% hadir...... siap ader slide show gitu.... credit to my cousin walaupun ader beberapa slide show yang tak beberapa puas hati tapi still boleh diterima oleh semua...... woo nie mak abah... atuk n nenek belah mak dah lama meninggal dunia masa sekolah lagi..... walaupun woo sekarang tahap kesihatan kurang memuaskan tapi still nak buat keje.... untuk kenduri tu woo boleh tangkap ayam dalam reban 20 ekor tu... nak jamu orang yang dtg .... dah la woo ader asma (bak kata dr. yg merawat woo.... asma woo asma degil coz tuan nyer degil asyik nak buat keje)...... then together with me buang kepala ikan bilis..... hihihihii..... sambil2 tu borak-borak ngan wooo.... macam2 woo citer...... woo dapat anugerah daripada UMNO ayer limau coz mengundi BN dari zaman tok kadok lagi.... woo memang setia pada yang satu je..... walaupun ramai yang ajak undi parti lain woo tetap pilih BN...... tak sangka woo boleh nak citer politik ngan kita... hihihii... then woo citer dia makan aiskrim punya la banyak akhir-akhir nie..... sebelum nie woo bukan suka makan sejuk2 nie tapi dah tekak teringin sangat...... memang setiap kali balik kg atau jumpa woo mesti ader something yg woo akan cerita..... ye la cucu sorang jarang2 nak balik kg..... kalu ader kenduri baru nak balik... hihihihihiii....

Obesity Diet Food- Black Fungus

ihsan mr google

Tadi buat lawatan kat blog orang then jumpa tentang black fungus.... selama nie tak tau pun black fungus nie bagus utk obes diet.... sesuai untuk ku yang sedang berdiet.... tapi dah tak larat nak diet nie.... kwakwkawkawkkaakw.... rx lite still makan tapi sekarang nie malam je rasa lapar....susah hati tul nak makan malam... tak makan kang tak leh lelap mata... perut berbunyi je.... kkwkwakkwakwk.... dah le planning ngan cousin end of july nak pakai kebaya nie.... kwkakwkakwkw.... tak tau leh ke idak nie.... so this week planning nak makan black fungus nie....

Black Fungus (Cloud Ears)

Black fungus is healthy obesity diet food which is called "Meat or fish in vegetables".

Black fungus contains very high Iron,20 times as celery,7 times as pork liver. Eating regularly will nourish blood,keep countenance beauty, and prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia.

Black fungus is "scavenger" of digestive system. It can adsorb dust and impurities in digestive system on its special pectin and excrete together.

Black fungus reduces blood clot, preventing thrombosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease,and cancer.

Black fungus contains rich dietary fibres and a special pectin which can promote motility of stomach and intestine,excreting fat in the intestine, reducing fat intake,and so preventing obesity and help to lose weight.

Fresh black fungus is not allowed to eat. Black fungus must be fully soaked in warm water before cooking.

Obesity Diet Food- Black Fungus Recipe

Mixed Black Fungus,Chinese Cabbage and Carrot Recipe


50g black fungus

100g carrot

250 Chinese cabbage

3 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp shallot,chopped

1/4 tsp soy sauce

1/4 tsp salt

1 tbsp water-cornstarch


1. a. Marinate black fungus in cold water for 24 hours,remove pedicel,clean and drain well.

b. Clean Chinese cabbage,drain well. Cut into 2cm wide strip along long direction. Then cut the strip into 4cm section.Set aside.

c. Cut carrot into small slices.

2. a. Heat the olive oil in a wok until 110C

b. Add shallot,let smell out

c. Add Chinese cabbage,carrot,and black fungus,stir-fry 5mins. Cover and simmer 5mins,or until 90% cooked. If the material in the wok is dry,you can add some water during cook. But don't add too much water,try 1tbsp one time.

d. Add soy sauce and salt to taste,stir several times.

e. Add water-cornstarch,stir well,or until thicken. serve.

Serving Method:(4 servings)

Serve at lunch and/or dinner. 100g per serve.

Nutritional Information:

Heat Energy: 229kcal(57kcal per serving)

Protein: 6g

Fat: 16g

Sugar: 16g

Edible Fibre: 3g

Beneficial Function: Clear intestines and lose weight. Suitable for those who are with Simple Obesity,especially who are also weak and with anaemia.

info kat atas nie ambil kat this site http://www.healthy-chinese-recipe.com/obesity-diet-food-black-fungus.html

Friday, May 7, 2010


gambar cilok kat mr google

Penangan makan nasi lemak.... 2 tupperware.... kwakwkkawkwak.... 1 masa breakfast n 1 masa lunch(masa tea time makan).... nasi nie dapat free tu yang melantak tak ingat dunia..... kak long (kakak sepupu) bawa katanya mak(mak kak long aka mak long.... panggil mak coz masa kecil mak jaga) suruh bawak untuk saya sekali.... kwakwawaw pucuk dicita ulam mendatang walaupun tengah diet.... nasi lemak sedap nie siap ader paru lagi..... seperti yang diidamkan.... kawkakwakwak dah 2 bulan tak makan nasi lemak..... alhamdulillah murah rezeki hari jumaat..... perut tengah full nie...... lepas makan pagi terus excersise.... walaupun kat ofis... kebetulan hari ini kerja kena berdiri.... hihihi.... bakar sikit kalori makan pagi tadi.... tu yang petang pun melantak nasi lemak lagi.... nie tengah berusaha nak bakar kalori nasi yang makan tadi pulak..... kawkawkwkkwkw..... kalu tak hancus diet 2 bulan........ balik umah kena buat exercise lebih sikit.....

Thursday, May 6, 2010


pic cilok dr munchy website n mr google

Buat iklan mucnhy jap.... kwakwkawkk tak berbayar pun.... freeee...

Beli biskut nie tadi.... tertarik menarik tul...... beli yang strawberry no satu dari kiri..... beli satu je idak le beli sampai tiga sekali...... ongkos dah menipis....... nasib baik tengah diet... kurang sikit belanja tang makan waktu keje......... tak rasa lagi so no komen rasanya camner.......

Tadi berkira-kira nak beli mana satu yang lite (pic atas) ke yg biasa je (pic bawah) .... kalu yang lite 280 gm yang biasa 410 gm hg sama..... aduh penin jap kepala kat the store .... kwkawkkawkkw..... yg lite bagus utk orang yang diet... tapi rugi beli coz hg sama dengan yang biasa tapi dapat sikit ........ setelah ditolak ... campur.... bahagi dan darab.... keputusan ambil yang bawah..... yang biasa2 je..... diet tetap diet duit pun kena berdiet gak..... kwakwkakwakwkkwk ... lum cuba lagi.... tapi rasanya mesti sama ngan cream crackers lain kot....

biskut mini memang peberet suka beli yg paling depan sekali..... Vanillicious (ntah betul ejaan ke idak... main hentam je) kwakwkakwk.... biskut besar syiling 20 sen je.... tapi sedap... senang nak masuk mulut tapi mahal gile....... price range 1.20 - 1.50... ikut tempat .... nie pun sebulan sekali je beli.... mahal.....kwkawkkkwakwkawkkw


gambar ihsan dari mr google.... tak sempat nak ambil gambar dah licin...
(sape la yg makan pelahap sangat tu)

Cheh .... berangan nak makan lurve seaweed nori 1 paket untuk 1 minggu.... kwkakwakwkaakwk kelakar tul..... baru abis makan tadi tak sampai 20 minit dah habis...... tak dan nak simpan 1 minggu....... berangan setiap kali makan ambil 2 keping je..... tapi tangan nie asyik ambil masuk dalam mulut ngap..ngup.ngap.... tengok dah abis.... licin.... habuk pun licin..... nasib baik tak jilat plastik tu sekali.... lurve nie beli semalam... tapi tahan tak nak makan malam tadi.... diet punya pasal..... kalori banyak lurve nie....... kwkakkwakak so far dah pernah makan seaweed nori dan hot n spicy..... dua2 sedap.... french onion tak try lagi ... pas nie beli french onion lak.... next month.... rosak diet kalu makan hari-hari..... kwkawkkawkwkak......

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I - CITY Shah Alam

1 Mei hari tu gi i-city kat shah alam....... mula round kat ikano n ikea dulu..... tak beli barang pun just jalan2 coz along nak gi crocs warehouse sales..... punya ramainye orang...... then along ajak gi I-CITY kat shah alam.... on je..... so layan je la gambar kat I-CITY nie

along n mom

nur qistina

it's me


aksi nur qistina.... tak leh duduk diam

ader lampu kelip2 kat kepala.... wan aka nenek sponsor

makanan preberet nur qistina.... jagung bakar/rebus

keta dah beratur..... ramai orang

lembut je color

my mom malu2 nak ambil gambar... pastu dia tanya keras kejung ke gambar mak....

kena berebut nak tangkap gambar.... ramai sangat orang... sampai space terhad

ramai orang dalam building

controversi pic.... semua orang pandang masa ambil gambar nie.... ye la tunggang terbalik camera jadinye.... cam pro je.... kwakwakakwakk

bergambar bersama pengunjung yg lain.... kalu nak lenggang alamatnye tak bergambar la

actually nak ambil gambar kete yg makin berduyun-duyun tu tapi dah terambil gambar orang pulak.....

nurqistina dah meragam .... keletihan satu hari berjalan... masa dah kul 10 lebih dah...

mak pun dah letih masa nie .... tapi still maintain ambil pic

k, jgn termuntah pula tengok pic lampu yang berlambak2 nie.... layannnnnnnnnnnnnnn